Wake-up light display
Xopr salvaged a wake-up light display (it's in his project crate) At first it looked like dot matrix display driven by a sort of plain shift register, but apparently, it's a led-on-pcb 7 segment display with a punched sheet on top of it, and the 'shift register' has more features..
technical details
It works on 5v, and has a Princeton technology corporation PT6964-S 28 pins, SOP IC (datasheet) on it.
The cable pinout is as followed
- GND (red)
- VCC, 5V
- LCD-STB (strobe, process 8 bit command after falling edge, high means ignore clk)
- LCD-CLK (clock, reads input at rising edge, writes output on falling edge)
- LCD-DI, LSB first, shifts in on rising CLK edge
It has 4 commands:
- 00xxxxba: Display mode setting command
- where ba is:
- 00: 4 digits, 13 segments
- 01: 5 digits, 12 segments
- 10: 6 digits, 11 segments
- 11: 7 digits, 10 segments
- 01xxdcba: Data setting command
- where ba is:
- 00: write data to display
- 10: read key data
- and c is address increment mode:
- 0: increment after data has been written
- 1: fixed address
- and d is mode setting:
- 0: Normal operation mode
- 1: Test mode
- 11xxdcba: Address setting command
- where dcba is ram address 0x00 to 0x0d
- 10xxdcba: Display control commands
- where cba is dimming quality
- 000 to 111 is : {1,2,4,10,11,12,13,14}/16 pulse width
- and d is display settings:
- 0: display off (scan continuous)
- 1: display on
It has some interesting symbols on it:
- Light symbol (sun)
- colon: hour/minute separator
- Clock time symbol (clock)
- Alarm symbol (bell)
- Radio symbol ('FM')
- ’Birds’ sound symbol (twitter?)
- ‘Beep’ sound symbol (wifi?)
- ‘African jungle’ sound symbol (drum)
- ‘Wind chimes’ sound symbol
- Sleep timer symbol ('ZZz')
- Display brightness symbol (moon?)
- decimal separator
- Sound level symbol
also see
Location: at xopr's project crate