Telephone system:Closing announcement
This collection of scripts was used to broadcast (closing) announcements using cron jobs
While this script is not in use anymore, since we're a 24/7 space now, it still is fun to trigger announcements using cron jobs
it used to trigger on 9:30PM on weekdays, and 4:30PM on saturday. At first I tried to retrigger the events in the dialplan for the next occurrence, but cron jobs are way more reliable (and easier)
crontab for freeswitch user
30 21 * * 1-5 /usr/local/freeswitch/bin/fs_cli -x "originate loopback/1399 closure" 30 16 * * 6 /usr/local/freeswitch/bin/fs_cli -x "originate loopback/1399 closure"
This script takes the dialstring of all members withing call group 'intercom' and puts them as conference-auto-out-call separately. After that, the conference is started with the sound extension, and all parsed extensions will be called automatically (assuming that extension has auto-answer for that line) When the sound extension is done and hangs up, everyone is kicked out of the conference.
if (session.ready()) { session.answer(); console_log(4, "building-wide paging\n"); session.execute("set","pageGroup=${group_call(intercom@${domain_name}+E)}\n"); var pageGroup = session.getVariable("pageGroup"); var arrPageGroup = pageGroup.split( ":_:" ); for ( var idx = 0; idx < arrPageGroup.length; idx++ ) { var user = arrPageGroup[ idx ]; user = user.replace( /\n/g, "" ); user = user.replace( /\[[^\]]*\](.*)/g, "$1" ); session.execute("conference_set_auto_outcall", user); } }
The announcement consists of two parts: triggering a group-intercom and executing a 'closure' extension which played the appropriate sounds
<extension name="group_page"> <condition field="destination_number" expression="^(1399)$"> <action application="set" data="api_hangup_hook=conference 412 kick all"/> <action application="answer"/> <action application="export" data="sip_invite_params=intercom=true"/> <action application="export" data="sip_auto_answer=true"/> <action application="set" data="conference_auto_outcall_caller_id_name=$${effective_caller_id_name}"/> <action application="set" data="conference_auto_outcall_caller_id_number=$${effective_caller_id_number}"/> <action application="set" data="conference_auto_outcall_timeout=5"/> <action application="set" data="conference_auto_outcall_flags=mute"/> <action application="javascript" data="paging.js"/> <action application="set" data="res=${sched_api +1 none conference 412 play tone_stream://path=${base_dir}/conf/beep.ttml}"/> <action application="conference" data="412@intercom"/> <action application="conference" data="412 kick all"/> </condition> </extension> <extension name="closing announcement"> <condition field="destination_number" expression="^closure|1398$" break="on-false"> <action application="set" data="language=nl"/> <action application="answer"/> <action application="sleep" data="2000"/> <action application="set_audio_level" data="write -2"/> <action application="playback" data="../../../stationsbel.mp3"/> <action application="set_audio_level" data="write 0"/> <action application="playback" data="../../../nl/nl/xander/ivr/sluiten.wav"/> <action application="sleep" data="1000"/> <action application="set_audio_level" data="write -2"/> <action application="playback" data="../../../game_over.mp3"/> </condition> </extension>