Telephone system:Cisco phone deployment
Some notes and configuration snippets for deploying the Cisco 79xx series phones
Most settings are taken from Xopr's Asus WL500g running OpenWRT kamikaze RC6 with pivot-rooted USB drive and OpenVPN tunnel. (there's not enough room to host the firmware's on the flash ;)
[hide]stuff to know
- tested with a lot of factory default resets because firmware and/or configs seem to cache unpredictable
- not clear how to enable logging on atftpd for OpenWRT, either as --no-daemon or writing to log files
- atftpd on OpenWRT sometimes seemed to crash (testing sccp), resulting in the following behaviour:
- for sip: 'Requesting Configuration' (seems to boot with cached settings)
- for sccp: 'Configuring CM List' (seems to boot with cached settings)
- for factory default: 'Phone Unprovisioned' / UNPROVISIONED
- couldn't manage to factory reset the 7905 and 7910
small part in /etc/dnsmasq.conf
dhcp-option=66,LOCAL_TFTPD_IP dhcp-option=150,LOCAL_TFTPD_IP
Note: when setting the TFT server using command line parameters, don't use extra (escaped) quotes: small part in /etc/init.d/S50dnsmasq (uncomment the args to enable the config file mentioned above
args="-K -F $START,$END,$NETMASK,${lease:-12h} --dhcp-option=66,${ipaddr} --dhcp-option=150,${ipaddr}"
cat /etc/init.d/S55atftpd #!/bin/sh /usr/sbin/atftpd --daemon --port 69 --tftpd-timeout 300 --retry-timeout 5 --mcast-port 1758 --mcast-addr --mcast-ttl 1 --maxthread 100
contents of /tftpboot
dialplan.xml OS79XX.TXT P00308000600.bin P00308000600.loads P00308000600.sb2 P00308000600.sbn P00405000700.bin P00405000700.sbn P0S3-06-3-00.bin P0S3-8-12-00.loads P0S3-06-3-00.sbn P0S3-8-12-00.sb2 RINGLIST.DAT S00105000300.sbn SIPDefault.cnf SEP<mac_of_sccp_phone_w_ext>.cnf.xml SIP<mac_of_sip_phone>.cnf XMLDefault.cnf.xml
File contents
<DIALTEMPLATE> <TEMPLATE MATCH="\*..#" Timeout="0" User="Phone"/> <TEMPLATE MATCH="\**#" Timeout="3" User="Phone"/> <TEMPLATE MATCH="\*...#" Timeout="0" User="Phone"/> <TEMPLATE MATCH="\**#" Timeout="3" User="Phone"/> <TEMPLATE MATCH="\*..#" Timeout="0" User="Phone"/> <TEMPLATE MATCH="\*#..#" Timeout="0" User="Phone"/> <TEMPLATE MATCH="\*#...#" Timeout="0" User="Phone"/> <TEMPLATE MATCH="#..#" Timeout="0" User="Phone"/> <TEMPLATE MATCH="#...#" Timeout="0" User="Phone"/> <TEMPLATE MATCH="00*" Timeout="6" User="Phone"/> <TEMPLATE MATCH="0........." Timeout="1" User="Phone"/> <TEMPLATE MATCH="10.." Timeout="0" User="Phone"/> <TEMPLATE MATCH="12.." Timeout="0" User="Phone"/> <TEMPLATE MATCH="13.." Timeout="0" User="Phone"/> <TEMPLATE MATCH="131.........." Timeout="1" User="Phone"/> <TEMPLATE MATCH="#31#.........." Timeout="1" User="Phone"/> <TEMPLATE MATCH="\*31\*.........." Timeout="1" User="Phone"/> <TEMPLATE MATCH="132.........." Timeout="1" User="Phone"/> <TEMPLATE MATCH="\*10.." Timeout="0" User="Phone"/> <TEMPLATE MATCH="\*19.." Timeout="0" User="Phone"/> <TEMPLATE MATCH="19.." Timeout="0" User="Phone"/> <TEMPLATE MATCH="2222" Timeout="0" User="Phone"/> <TEMPLATE MATCH="4444" Timeout="0" User="Phone"/> <TEMPLATE MATCH="112" Timeout="0" User="Phone"/> <TEMPLATE MATCH="911" Timeout="0" User="Phone"/> <TEMPLATE MATCH="999" Timeout="0" User="Phone"/> <TEMPLATE MATCH="*" Timeout="4" User="Phone"/> </DIALTEMPLATE>
CTU CTU24raw.raw Chicken chicken2.raw New York newyork.raw Star Wars starwars.raw Old Style ringer1.pcm Synth Low ringer2.pcm
# Image Version #image_version: "P0S3-8-12-00" # Proxy Server proxy1_address: "FREESWITCH_IP" # Proxy Server Port (default - 5060) proxy1_port:"5060" # Emergency Proxy info proxy_emergency: "FREESWITCH_IP" proxy_emergency_port: "5060" # Backup Proxy info proxy_backup: "FREESWITCH_IP" proxy_backup_port: "5060" # Outbound Proxy info outbound_proxy: "FREESWITCH_IP" outbound_proxy_port: "5060" # NAT/Firewall Traversal nat_enable: "1" # Only enable when using the OpenVPN tunnel; remote office nat_address: "" # TODO: try and remove it from either this or the specific config voip_control_port: "5061" start_media_port: "16384" end_media_port: "32766" nat_received_processing: "0" # Proxy Registration (0-disable (default), 1-enable) proxy_register: "1" # Phone Registration Expiration [1-3932100 sec] (Default - 3600) timer_register_expires: "100" # below 120 seconds for maintaining UDP 'connection' state in Linux # Codec for media stream (g711ulaw (default), g711alaw, g729) preferred_codec: "none" # TOS bits in media stream [0-5] (Default - 5) tos_media: "5" # Enable VAD (0-disable (default), 1-enable) enable_vad: "0" # Allow for the bridge on a 3way call to join remaining parties upon hangup cnf_join_enable: "1" ; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default) # Allow Transfer to be completed while target phone is still ringing semi_attended_transfer: "1" ; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default) # Telnet Level (enable or disable the ability to telnet into this phone telnet_level: "2" ; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled, 2-Privileged # Inband DTMF Settings (0-disable, 1-enable (default)) dtmf_inband: "1" # Out of band DTMF Settings (none-disable, avt-avt enable (default), avt_always - always avt ) dtmf_outofband: "avt" ~np~# DTMF dB Level Settings (1-6dB down, 2-3db down, 3-nominal (default), 4-3db up, 5-6dB up) dtmf_db_level: "3" # SIP Timers timer_t1: "500" ; Default 500 msec timer_t2: "4000" ; Default 4 sec sip_retx: "10" ; Default 11 sip_invite_retx: "6" ; Default 7 timer_invite_expires: "180" ; Default 180 sec # Setting for Message speeddial to mail box (*97) messages_uri: "1233" # TFTP Phone Specific Configuration File Directory tftp_cfg_dir: "./" # Time Server sntp_mode: "unicast" sntp_server: "" # IP address here alternatively time_zone: "CET" dst_offset: "1" dst_start_month: "April" dst_start_day: "" dst_start_day_of_week: "Sun" dst_start_week_of_month: "1" dst_start_time: "02" dst_stop_month: "Oct" dst_stop_day: "" dst_stop_day_of_week: "Sunday" dst_stop_week_of_month: "8" dst_stop_time: "2" dst_auto_adjust: "1" # Do Not Disturb Control (0-off, 1-on, 2-off with no user control, 3-on with no user control) dnd_control: "0" ; Default 0 (Do Not Disturb feature is off) # Caller ID Blocking (0-disabled, 1-enabled, 2-disabled no user control, 3-enabled no user control) callerid_blocking: "0" ; Default 0 (Disable sending all calls as anonymous) # Anonymous Call Blocking (0-disbaled, 1-enabled, 2-disabled no user control, 3-enabled no user control) anonymous_call_block: "0" ; Default 0 (Disable blocking of anonymous calls) # Call Waiting (0-disabled, 1-enabled, 2-disabled with no user control, 3-enabled with no user control) call_waiting: "1" ; Default 1 (Call Waiting enabled) # DTMF AVT Payload (Dynamic payload range for AVT tones - 96-127) dtmf_avt_payload: "101" ; Default 100 # XML file that specifies the dialplan desired dial_template: "dialplan" # Network Media Type (auto, full100, full10, half100, half10) network_media_type: "auto" #Autocompletion During Dial (0-off, 1-on [default]) autocomplete: "0" #Time Format (0-12hr, 1-24hr [default]) time_format_24hr: "0" # URL for external Phone Services services_url: "http://FREESWITCH_IP/provisioning/services.php" # IP address here alternatively # URL for external Directory location directory_url: "http://FREESWITCH_IP/provisioning/directory.php" # IP address here alternatively # URL for branding logo logo_url: "http://FREESWITCH_IP/provisioning/ACKspace.bmp" # IP address here alternatively # Remote Party ID remote_party_id: 1 ; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled
<Default> <callManagerGroup> <members> <member priority="0"> <callManager> <ports> <ethernetPhonePort>2000</ethernetPhonePort> </ports> <processNodeName>FREESWITCH_IP</processNodeName> </callManager> </member> </members> <loadInformation6 model="IP Phone 7910">P00308000600</loadInformation6> <loadInformation124 model="Addon 7914">S00105000300</loadInformation124> <loadInformation8 model="IP Phone 7940">P00308000600</loadInformation8> </callManagerGroup> </Default>
Cisco CP-7900 configuration
Setting up configuration files can be done by using the script. It uses both SEP.cnf.xml and SIP.cnf template files to create config files that can either set up SIP or SCCP.
extra info
#Set auto_answer on cisco 79xx phone via telnet. #Hack around the inability of the sip software to set via a config file. #Public domain, no warranty at all. ( use Net::Telnet(); use List::Util qw(reduce); use constant PROMPT => "SIP Phone"; use constant PASSWORD => "cisco"; @to_set=(); @to_unset=(); if((@ARGV<3)||(!(@ARGV%2))) { print "Syntax: set_auto_answer <ip> <list>\n\twhere <list> is a list of " ." one or more '<line num> <0|1>'\n" ."\nEg: set_auto_answer 1 0 2 1\n"; exit 1; } $target_ip=shift; do { my ($line, $setting)=(shift, shift); if($setting) { push(@to_set, $line); } else { push(@to_unset, $line); } }while(@ARGV); #For logs, use "" or *STDOUT $t=new Net::Telnet(Timeout => 1, Output_log => *STDOUT, Input_log => "", Dump_log => ""); $t->open($target_ip); $t->waitfor('/Password :.*$/'); $t->print(PASSWORD); $t->waitfor('/'.PROMPT.'>.*$/'); @tmp=$t->cmd("show config"); @tmp=grep(/^auto_answer : /, @tmp); die("Bad auto_answer") if(scalar(@tmp)!=1); @tmp[0]=~/([0-9]+)/; $auto_answer=$1; @to_set=grep { !(1<<($_-1) & $auto_answer) } @to_set; @to_unset=grep {1<<($_-1) & $auto_answer} @to_unset; exit 0 if( !@to_unset && !@to_set ); print "Enabling auto-answer for line(s): ".(reduce {$a.", ".$b} @to_set)."\n" if(@to_set); print "Disabling auto-answer for line(s): ".(reduce {$a.", ".$b} @to_unset)."\n" if(@to_unset); $t->print("test open"); sub wait_then_press { foreach my $key (@_) { $t->waitfor('/'.PROMPT.'>.*$/'); $t->print("test ".$key); } } sub toggle_line { my($line)=@_; wait_then_press("offhook", "onhook", "key set", "key 6", "key 8", "key ".$line, "key soft1", "key soft2", "key soft2", "key set"); } foreach my $line (@to_unset, @to_set) { print "Toggling line: $line\n"; toggle_line($line); } $t->waitfor('/'.PROMPT.'>.*$/'); $t->print("test close"); $t->waitfor('/'.PROMPT.'>.*$/'); $t->print("exit"); print "Success.\n";