Congress everywhere
Event: Congress everywhere | |
Featured: | Yes |
State: | Active |
Start date: | 2019/12/27 |
Start time: | 11:00 |
End date: | 2019/12/30 |
End time: | 17:50 |
Contact: | Stuiterveer, Xopr |
Kind: | Conference |
Location: | Location::ACKspace |
URL: | Everywhere |
Fee: | Free |
Short description: | Watch a hacker congress or camp live on a projector in the space, or listen to it via the phone. |
The idea is, for people unable to attend the upcoming hacker congress or camp, to visit the hackerspace and watch the streams together on a projector screen. Food and drinks will be taken care of as well!
It's a lot of fun if enough people join! Alternatively, people traveling can join the teleconference.
Also, we should have pixelflut leds (with Art-Net support) up around that time, so it's fun to show off your script/program.
Looking at the map, we probably will get
- Adams
- Borg
- Clarke
- Dijkstra
- Eliza
- Chaos stage west
- and possibly:
- Wikipaka
- C-Zone
More info on the discussion page.
- xopr (willing to attend, not sure about the possibilities)
- Prodigity doet op zijn minst een dagje mee
- Stuiterveer
Hint: add yourself by typing:
* ~~~
roadmap / Fahrplan
See Congress' Fahrplan or Camp's Fahrplan for the latest schedule; streams will be selected ad-hoc.
Streams can be opened directly from Kodi, VLC or possibly your favorite media player. Because we want to suffer (originally lower the burden of CCC's data output), we're using multicast streams (including a mosaic overview). You can find the config here. The video links can be found here:
WebM | HLS | ||||||
HD | SD | Slides | HD | SD | Slides | ||
Saal Adams | Native | link | link | link | link | link | link |
Saal Adams | Translated | link | link | link | link | link | link |
Saal Borg | Native | link | link | link | link | link | link |
Saal Borg | Translated | link | link | link | link | link | link |
Saal Clarke | Native | link | link | link | link | link | link |
Saal Clarke | Translated | link | link | link | link | link | link |
Saal Dijkstra | Native | link | link | link | link | link | link |
Saal Dijkstra | Translated | link | link | link | link | link | link |
Saal Eliza | Native | link | link | link | link | link | link |
Saal Eliza | Translated | link | link | link | link | link | link |
Chaos West Bühne | Native | link | link | link | link | link | link |
Chaos West Bühne | Translated | link | link | link | link | link | link |
WikiPakaWG Esszimmer | Native | link | link | link | link | link | link |
WikiPakaWG Esszimmer | Translated | link | link | link | link | link | link |
Open Infrastructure Orbit | Native | link | link | link | link | link | link |
Open Infrastructure Orbit | Translated | link | link | link | link | link | link |
audio (phone)
We have conference audio streams (off and on since 2011), which now has been standardized.
Following the dialplan, there are two lists of extensions reserved for conferences: 130x
and 139x
where the last digit (1-9) stands for the corresponding stage/room, while the difference between the former and latter series is whether you are allowed to chat with other callers ("party line at 9"). See Telephone system:shoutcast streams for the FreeSWITCH configuration.
If you hear the SIT, that means no stream is configured for that conference room.
- CCC's Congress_everywhere
- live CCC streaming
- Congress 2019 main page
- Static Schedule (or [1] and [2])
- C.H.A.O.S. (Congressstreaming Hackerspaces Are On Stage) 2012 and C.H.A.O.S. (Creative Hackerspaces Are On Stage) 2013
- Category: 36c3
- Lightning talks topics
- The Halfnarp (Fahrplan collision avoidance and schedule memo tool)
- CCC's camp wiki
previous versions
List of German hacker conferences | ||
Chaos Communication Camp | Chaos Communication Congress | |
2020 | rC3 | |
2019 | CCC 2019 | 36C3 |
2018 | 35C3 | |
2017 | 34C3 | |
2016 | 33C3 | |
2015 | CCC 2015 | 32C3 |
2014 | 31C3 | |
2013 | 30C3 | |
2012 | 29C3 | |
2011 | CCC 2011 | 28C3 |
events in 2019
This event was more of a dress rehearsal of getting the streams up and running on a (new) VM with the new mosaic script.
- Stuiterveer
- xopr
- various other visitors (the weekend was of high ACKsession-grade)
events in 2018
The mosaic was working again after a lot of compatibility issues with newer VLC versions. More than 4 cores are recommended to process all 8 streams for 35C3.
- stuiterveer fixed the streams after deploying SpaceWorkhorse with an older version of VLC (lots of trial and error) and started virtualization of the services.
Attended Stats - stuiterveer
- Xopr
- Computer1up
- Prodigity
- TheOnlyJoey
- Vicarious
- CoolePascal
- Jetse
- Chaos
- Wolkje
- aes256cbc
- Adnub
- various other visitors
- 4 days of streaming
- 8 SD streams
- 3 days of getting the mosaic to work
- 2 Ubuntu/VLC downgrades to resolve compatibility issues with the mosaic
- 7 liters of chocolate milk, of which 4 liters were consumed
- 1 can of whipped cream
- 4 liters of glühwein, of which 1.5 liters were consumed
- 0.9 liters of beer distributed amongst 3 people
- unknown amount of Club Mate
- unknown amounts of coffee
- 24 buns
- 1 pack of cheese
- 2 packs of meat for on the buns
- unknown amounts of pizza and kapsalon
- 1 pack of shrimp salad
- 1 subproject
- 2 fixes
- 8 improvements
events in 2017
The mosaic failed (streams would turn in to purple static blobs), but we had 2 TV's and 2 projectors to open all primary HD streams at once.
- Christmas lights were upgraded to ESPixelflut lights. Also, a wiki stream table template was created.
Attended Stats - Xopr
- stuiterveer
- Computer1up
- Prodigity
- Pmwq
- Vicarious
- various other visitors
- 4 days of streaming
- 4 HD streams, almost continuously
- slow internet (due to the christmas tree project)
- 1 liter of milk
- 6.5 liters of chocolate milk
- 2 bottles of Coconut rum
- 3 cans of whipped cream
- 2 packs of waffles
- 1 bottle of Liqueur 42+1
- 1.5 bottle of wine
- >15 liters of beer
- 1 sunrise
- unknown amount of Club Mate
- 1 pots of coffee
- 28 buns
- 1 pack of cheese
- 12 hamburgers
- 1 pack of bacon strips
- 1 pack of sellery salad
- 1 pack of egg salad
- 1 pack of shrimp salad
- 200 RGB leds
- 6 subprojects
- 4 fixes
- 8 improvements
events in 2016
- Few known data for this year's events; We had new (dedicated) christmas lights, a telefonference party line was added (and the nummber of rooms were extended)
Attended Stats - Xopr (only day 1+2)
- Not even sure if the projector was dusted off
events in 2015
- Few known data for this year's events, but we had an NFC programmable (fire hazard) christmas tree.
Attended Stats - 4 days of streaming
- 5 multicast streams
Attended Stats - 5 days of streaming
- 5 multicast streams
- slow internet (due to multicasting and switches not configurable)
- 3 screens/projectors
- 1 liter of milk
- 1 liter of buttermilk
- 1.5 liters of Rosé
- >22 icecreams
- 14.2 liters of beer
- unknown amount of Club Mate
- 6.8 liters of coffee
- 3 big and 30 small bags of crisps/chips
- 20 frikandel rolls
- 20 buns
- 2 lites of fristi
- 2.5 bread
- 3 packs of cheese
- 3 packs of ham
- 1 pack of sellery salad
events in 2014
- Let's try multicast! We also had our first Christmas tree with Neopixels.
Attended Stats - 4 days of streaming
- 5 multicast streams
- 3 broken wifi networks (due to multicasting)
- 3 screens/projectors
- internet reached temperatures of -4°C (because it's running outside)
- 4 liters of (warm) chocolate milk
- 3 liters of ice tea
- 2 liters of milk
- 4.5 liters of beer
- unknown amount of Club Mate
- 3 liters of coffee
- 2 cans of whipped cream
- 20 donuts (oliebollen)
- 1 almond bar
- 3 bags of crisps/chips
- 1 pack of cashew nuts
- 4 frikandel rolls
- 15 buns
- 1 pack of cheese
- 1 pack of turkey slices
- 1 pack of chicken-curry spread
- 15 hours of sleep
events in 2013
- xopr had a script to remote control his XBMC box. Also, the teleconference mechanism was improved (single stream per room).
Attended - PsychiC (Only a few evenings though)
events in 2012
- Few known data for this year's events, but we were running multiple streams in several rooms (slACKspace and hACKspace on the Putgraaf).
events in 2011
- This was our first congress everywhere (also known as "no nerd left behind") at the xCBS building. We already had teleconference streams to meet our challenge of one room and multiple streams.