Xopr 16:48, 7 May 2011 (CEST) Prodigity and I tried to compile the dedected code, without any luck.
I read that an ubuntu 10.10 still would work, but still no juice after such fresh installation.
Next, I tried to compile the osmocom hosted dect kernel stack from Patrick McHardy aka kaber.
Quickly tried it on my laptop, but got segfaults, which of I'm not surprised since I'm using a 64bit OS.
Built it on an Ununtu 10.x box, and besides the fact that I'm in a fight with the grub 'automagic' mkconfig, I'm able to boot it:
xopr@persephone:~/libdect-HEAD-8dabcb3/example$ uname -a Linux persephone 2.6.38+ #2 SMP Thu May 5 00:18:37 CEST 2011 i686 GNU/Linux xopr@persephone:~/libdect-HEAD-8dabcb3/example$ lsmod|grep dect dect_ccf 32969 0 dect_csf 46722 2 com_on_air_cs,com_on_air dect 12426 2 dect_ccf,dect_csf
Then, I tried to build the git repositories, but since osmocom's git is corrupted, I had to download snapshots
After compiling the custom libnl (with some warnings about return values), I moved to libdect, and it gives me this: -without libnl2 (+dev) (netlink) installed, example tools give the following error:
xopr@persephone:~/libdect-HEAD-8dabcb3/example$ ./fp-cc dect_netlink_init: Object not found dect_init: Socket operation on non-socket
which happens in the 'dect_common_init' call
however, with libnl2 installed, compiling and linking libdect, I get:
/usr/bin/ld: warning:, needed by //usr/local/lib/, may conflict with
as linker warnings, and the example tools say:
xopr@persephone:~/libdect-HEAD-8dabcb3/example$ ./fp-cc dect_netlink_init: Unspecific failure dect_init: Socket operation on non-socket
to be continued...