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Revision as of 10:24, 6 November 2016 by Stuiterveer (talk | contribs) (Added automatic start/end date so this will be visible in the upcoming events on the main page.)
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Event: Pizza-meet
State: Active
Start date: 2024/10/05
Start time: 18:00
End date: 2024/10/05
End time: 20:30
Contact: xopr, Da Syntax
Kind: Meeting
Location: Location::ACKspace
Fee: pay your own pizza
Short description:
Featured article
Pizza-meet had been flagged as a featured article and will automatically appear on the Main Page.

Vanaf heden is er elke 1e zaterdag van het kwartaal een deelnemersvergadering: de pizza-meet!

Deelnemers kunnen van te voren hun stukken inzenden naar Stuiterveer (secretaris) of via de discussion page en via het bekende info emailadres.

De eerstvolgende meeting is op Saturday, 5 October 2024


  • TBD.